The Quality Management System, planned and implemented according to IATF 16949, defines the requirements for the processes of planning, development, production, installation, assembly and service of products for the automotive sector. The international acceptance of the technical specification IATF 16949 guarantees the credibility of the organisation which has obtained the certification. It helps also to reduce waste of production and improve the productive efficiency. The IAFT 16949 allows us to create an accepted approach to a quality management system along the production chain of the automotive industry and to join the best practise of the sector.

Why choose an IATF-certified partner?

Confiding in a company like Lomopress which has invested resources and effort in the receipt of this important certification means to choose quality, precision and reliability.

Satisfaction of the client

An activity or part certificated by IATF transforms appreciation of company credibility to customer’s satisfaction and positive feedback of the client.

Approved confidence on a global level

The IATF certification is approved by the whole world and guarantees therefore a relevant role for the company which obtains it, increasing its performance in advantage of the client.

Prevention of defects

The certified companies are working constantly to improve the operative efficiency of their processes, in particular the fields of prevention of defects and productive problems.
